Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Didn't pay a cent for my bill

Health is important. This is an understatement. I've recently undergone a minor day surgery and only realised the importance until now. Back then I knew the importance of health, I just didn't feel the impact of it until something happen to me.

If you're wondering, yes I'm fine :)
I'm also very glad that the government has given immense subsidy for us. From what could be a $500+ bill became $200 after subsidy.

I'm even more glad that I had the option to pay via my Medisave account.

But I'm even even more glad that my Hospitalisation plan paid for my bill, right from the first cent. 

I'm also even even even more glad that they also paid me get well and income benefit.

Yes the sums may not be a few thousands. But I didn't pay a single cent for my medical bill (less the insurance premiums). And I got an additional cheque for a get well benefit.

I could view that cheque as an offset against my premiums. Yup, premiums with an "s".

You don't know until you meet it
I now realised the importance and significance of having a rider plan. Back then I always ponder if I really needed a rider plan and if I needed a "get well plan". I guess I didn't know how much I'll want it until I got it.

Of course, this type of things, the less I claim the better la. Choy choy choy! haha!

And of course, to all fellow readers out there, but ensure you have your insurance covered sufficiently before you commit to other stuff like investing or what not.

Get insured adequately. Different people have different needs. Cater to yourself, do not under or over insure yourself.

Health is paramount!!!

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